A motorized accessory manufacturers from France,Vitessemoto,has named Hunt footwear products that are suitable for street wear away. Brown shoe has a special technology called V-Cockpit. The technology was divided into three parts which are all paired inside the shoe. First, wrap the ankle. In addition to soft and comfortable, the strength of the material could protect the feet from impact. The shape erect and maintain, allowing shoe remains comfortable when worn walking. Secondly, the triangle is quite stiff and the first coat. That way, the foot will not be twisted, as in the case of an accident when a motorist hit and bounce. As for the third coating layer radial entire heel to connect to the site. Its function is to maximize the control footing. Made high-end shoes and a bit wide so that your toes have room and packed in layers of premium saddle leather that requires polishing to make it shine. The interface would be more accented and distinctive if its age increases, aka the older the more so. Hunt Vitessemoto off shoes with a starting price of 175 euros (about USD 2.12 million) and in a choice of sizes 39-47. They only sell them online at sites Vitessemoto.com.